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Linda Olson

Angel investment network in Sarasota wants Florida to be the next Silicon Valley

By Lauren Coffey – TBBJ & Inno Reporter, Tampa Bay Business Journal

Nov 30, 2020, 7:32am EST

Twenty investors in the Sarasota area are putting their money into the Florida tech scene and now have their eyes beyond the Sunshine State.

Bridge Angel Investors, founded in 2017, focuses on early-stage, tech-enabled companies. In the last three years, it has invested in four companies, including Tampa-based EdTech firm Knack and Sarasota-based Rewired.

"Over the years, we've cast a pretty wide net, truthfully," Executive Director Wendi Chapman said. "We were solely focused on Florida deal flow, and when you focus on it that way, your deal flow is somewhat limited so you cast a wider net. [Companies outside Florida] are not our main focus, but if they're referred to by a member, our goal is to have folks set up shop and move to Florida."

Read the entire article at the Tampa Bay Business Journal.

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